Our life speaks to the worth of something.
Read MoreDo you know the difference between a fairy tale told in the North and a fairy tale told in the South?
Read MoreThere are few things that resonate in the human heart more than experiencing a relationship that is deeply affectionate, overflowing with joy, and filled with purpose.
Read MoreOver the past 6 months I’ve had many people ask me two questions: “What is a church plant?” And then shortly following my explanation, “What is that like?” Although I could say many things about my experiences, most of my thoughts would fall into the following two categories.
Read MoreI heard a sermon open up with that line and I thought to myself... Oh, my, yes. I have many regrets. I’ve blown it in my lifetime in some pretty big ways and I am deeply ashamed.
Read MoreThe resurrection of Jesus Christ is the climax of his life, ministry, and mission.
Read MoreA man who has been attending our church came to me before the worship service yesterday and shared that he has been very encouraged by our study in the Gospel According to John, "Knowing Christ." The past few weeks we have worked through the passion narrative where we have come to know Jesus as The Rejected One (John 18), The Crucified King (John 19), and The Risen Lord (John 20).
Read MoreEvery religion has its symbols, which illustrate a significant feature, often the central truth, of its beliefs: for Taoism it is the Yin and the Yang; for Islam it is the Star and the Crescent; for Wicca it is the Pentagram; for Jews it is the Star of David.
Read MoreThis reading represents a harmonized version of the crucifixion and burial of Jesus Christ as presented in all four gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John). Careful attention was giving in an attempt to include all of the unique details given by each writer. As this is read, we gain a full-orbed perspective of the crucifixion and burial of Jesus.
Read MoreWe don’t think about Barabbas a lot, though he comes up more often at Easter when many churches turn their attention to the events leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus
Read MoreHave you ever had anyone tell you that they pray for you everyday? In my ministry as a pastor, I have had several people tell me that they pray for me everyday.
Read MoreAnyone who has ever dropped off their child at college knows the anxiety and advantage of separation. Just a few years ago, we packed all of my daughter’s things in our SUV and drove to a city three hours away for her freshman year at college.
Read MoreAs Jesus came close to the end of his earthly life, he spent his last hours ministering to his disciples.
Read MoreThe coming of Christ was heralded by a host of celestial messengers as the coming of peace on Earth! The earth needs peace, doesn’t it?
Read MoreJesus is a master teacher. At the most teachable moment, when the time was right and the disciples hearts were ready, Jesus taught by way of object lesson and example.
Read MoreThere is a scene in the movie Braveheart where the battle worn Scottish Army stands at ready while the English army is charging at full gallop toward them, and there on the front lines with his men is their Commander, William Wallace, yelling “Hold, Hold, Hold.”
Read MoreWhat would it take to convince you that a man was actually the Son of God?
Read MoreWe are all God’s children.” I’ve heard that refrain many times, haven’t you? Two-time Grammy winner and country singer, Alan Jackson has a song by that title. “We’re All God’s Children”
Read MoreGiven some time, you could probably think of some small, inconsequential examples from your life.
Read MoreArtists, writers, and musicians from virtually every culture have used darkness and light to effectively communicate contrasting truths and emotions.
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