There is a lot of division in our country. Right now we are experiencing division over politics. Opinion on who should occupy the White House for the next four years is pretty much right down the middle between Democrats and Republicans.
Read MoreThere are people all over the world who wake up each morning with one goal in mind: Today I must work for food. They work hard all day, every day, just to provide enough food for their children to survive.
Read MoreMost of us believe that we have been given life by God, that it is God who sustains our life right now, and that the future of our life after death hangs in the balance of the judgment of God.
Read MoreIn the first three chapters of his gospel, John shows that “Jesus has come to his own and his own people did not receive him.” So, in chapter four, Jesus goes. He goes where no self-respecting Jew would go, to Samaria.
Read MoreJesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”” John 4:13–14
Read MoreThere are all kinds of religions in the world, and you don't have to go far to find them. They are being practiced in the suburbs of Northern Virginia.
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Do you remember being on a road trip when you were a kid, and asking that infamous question:
“Are we there yet?” Maybe you are a parent and you’ve been asked that too many times from the back seat.
The great desire of the founding members of Winchester Baptist Church is that it will forever be founded on Jesus Christ who by virtue of His sacrifice through the cross and resurrection from the grave has been granted Lordship over all things and Headship over His church.
Read MoreAs preachers, we often think of the Gospels as being the most basic and easy books of the Bible to preach.
Read MoreHaving been made an overseer by the Lord Jesus Christ, affirmed as such by His Church, and enabled solely by His grace,
Read MoreWhen we gather with fellow Christians on the Lord's Day, we are there for two primary reasons: (1) to worship God and (2) to serve one another
Read MoreWe love gathering together to worship God in spirit and in truth. When we come to the Sunday morning service, we come as participants, not consumers.
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