James 4:13-17 God's Will and Your Plans
Topical, Occasional SermonsTim WhiteGod's Will, Soveriengty, D.V., Deo Volente, New Year, Planning, Strategy, Business, Priorities
Isaiah 9:2 The Light of Christmas
Occasional Sermons, TopicalTim WhiteChristmas, Jesus, Light, Christmas Lights, Darkness, Truth, Life, Hope, Incarnation, Birth, Promise
2 Timothy 2:8-13 To Endure Everything for the Gospel
2 TimothyTim WhiteEndure, Endurance, Persevere, Suffering, Persecution, Affliction, Ministry, Evangelism, Gospel, Faithfulness, Resurrection, Reign, Victory, Mission, Power, Unstoppable, Bound, Unbound, Salvation, Elect, Election, Chosen, Promises, Remember, Exhortation, Warning, Assurance, Faithless, Deny, Faithful
2 Timothy 2:1-7 To Labor for the Gospel
2 TimothyTim WhiteMission, Ministry, Gospel, Service, Faithful Men, Leaders, Elders, Pastors, Teachers, Hard Work, Excuses, Church, Bullfrog, Navy Seal, McRaven, Gospel Ministry, Strength, Power, Soldier, Athlete, Farmer, Dedication, Discipline, Diligence
2 Timothy 1:13-18 To Guard the Gospel
2 TimothyTim WhiteGospel, Ministry, Guard, Purity, Prototype, Recipe, Coca-Cola, Coke, Evangelism, Pattern, Faith, Love, Gospel Doctrine, Gospel Culture, Orthodoxy, Orthopraxy, Gospel People, Church, Membership
2 Timothy 1:6-12 To Be Unashamed of the Gospel
2 TimothyTim WhiteChurchill, Unashamed, Shame, Embarrassed, Shrink Back, Fear, Unafraid, Timid, Courage, Confidence, Gospel, Ministry, Calling, Gift, Spirit, Power, Love, Sound Mind, Self Discipline, Motivation, Motivational Speech, Fellowship of the Unashamed
Finding Soul Rest Amidst Toil and Trouble (Psalm 23)
Jonathan Horton
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Topical, Guest SpeakersTim WhiteRest, Peace, Sleep, Anxiety, Fear, Stress, Gift, Work, Balance
Gospel Parenting Colossians 3:20-21
2 Timothy 1:3-5 To Parent with the Gospel
2 TimothyTim WhiteParents, Parenting, Grandparents, Mom, Grandmother, Mixed, Absentee, Sincere Faith, Genuine, False Faith, Inward, Outward, Matthew 13, Persevere, Temporary, Spuradic, Mentoring, Encouraging, Encouragment, Remember
2 Timothy 1:1-2 To Minister the Gospel
2 TimothyTim WhiteMinistry, Blessings, Pastor, Paul, Timothy, Relay Race, Baton, It's our turn, Grace, Mercy, Peace, Faithful Minister, Timid, Encouragment
Psalm 41 Praying for Restoration
PsalmsTim WhiteResurrection, Raised Up, Trouble, Enemies, Sickness, Illness, Health, Prosperity Gospel, Gospel, Suffering, Proverb, Doxology, Praise, Psalter, Judas, Betrayal
WE BELIEVE: Repentance and Faith
Psalm 40 Praising the Lord for Deliverance
PsalmsTim WhiteDeliverance, Rescue, Redemption, Salvation, Praise, Prayer, Prophecy, Hebrews 10, Body, Sin, Enemies, Pit, Discipline, Consequences
Psalm 39 Remembering the Brevity of Life
PsalmsTim WhiteSin, Consequences, Discipline, Life, Brevity, Time, Life is short, Treasure, Joy, Smile, Gospel, Complaint, Confession, Prayer, Silence
Psalm 38 Remembering the Agony of Sin
PsalmsTim WhiteSin, Guilt, Confession, Penitential Psalm, Sickness, Disease, Discipline, Gospel, Run to God, Lament, Remember, Righteousness, Holiness, Consequences
Psalm 37 Trusting God in a Crooked World
PsalmsTim WhiteTrust, Commit, Delight, Wait, Don't Fret, Be Still, Don't get angry, Anger, Wickedness, Righteous, Wisdom, Suffering, Frustrations, Exhortations, Motivations
Psalm 36 Gaining a Wise Perspective
PsalmsTim WhiteMan's Sin, God's Love, Sin, Love, Foolishness, Wisdom, Two Ways to Live, Perspective, Prayer, Keep, Model Prayer, Perseverance, Preservation, He will hold me fast
Psalm 35 Being Hated Without Cause
PsalmsTim WhiteImprecatory, Gospel, Hate, Innocent, Righteousness, Good, Evil, Persecution, Grief, Pain, Waiting, Hope, Praise, Joy, Hardship, Family Problems
Psalm 34 Learning from David's Deliverance
PsalmsTim WhiteDeliverance, Salvation, Escape, Praise, Joy, Testimony, Wisdom, Trust, Fear, Fear of God, Seek, Cry Out, Take Refuge
Psalm 33 Praising our Creator King
PsalmsTim WhitePraise, Shout, Joy, Sing, Make Music, Give Thanks, New Song, Freshness, Passion, Call to Worship, Perfections, Power, Wisdom, Greatness, God, Creator, King, Savior, Wait, Trust, Hope, Steadfast Love, Love of God, Corporate Worship, Singing, Instruments